
Vicenza (ITA)
26/01/2025 - 26/01/2025

Registered players sorted by rating and title

1 SP Tasca Francesco ITA149314930
2 SP Spiandorello Edoardo ITA146414640
3 GA Faoro Andrea ITA145014500
4 SP Mirzac Mirko ITA143214320
5 3N Tatulli Uva Andrea ITA142214220
6 GA Rattazzi Giovanni ITA141914190
7 GA Battocchio Giorgio ITA139901399
8 GA Bordignon Giacomo ITA139901399
9 PE Coisson Tommaso ITA139901399
10 GA Corao Leonardo ITA139901399
11 GA Dall'Agnola Alessandro ITA139901399
12 GA Perdoncin Riccardo ITA139901399
13 GA Piazza Gabriel ITA139901399
14 GA Sinigaglia Edoardo ITA139901399
Rating legend: Rtg: Rating used for pairing and standings - RtgF: Fide Rating - RtgN: National Rating